In most cases, MaxBlock 2300 (ceramic fiber) or SuperMag 2200 (low biopersistent fiber) are used for RTO applications. The typical lining thickness is 6” (150mm) for the lower regenerative chambers where the catalyst material resides, and 6” to 8” (150mm to 200mm) for the combustion chambers where the conversion of the emissions to CO₂ and water vapor takes place.
For repair and replacement of existing lining materials during a planned shutdown, speed of installation is critical. To meet this requirement, the method of module attachment and the sizes of the modules supplied play an important role.
Results and Benefits
For this particular project, minimizing turnaround time in order to allow the facility to get back into production was critical. To meet this challenge, larger format modules sized at 12” x 24” (305mm x 610mm) were used on the side wall surfaces of the RTO. These larger modules significantly shortened the time needed for installation. NUTEC has the ability to customize its product offering in order to meet customer expectations – such as in this instance, an aggressive installation timeline.
NUTEC's ability to supply larger sized modules with a variety of attachment options also has benefits for new construction. For new construction, fiber installation typically takes place at the OEM’s fabrication facility, and the RTO is shipped out in sections. To minimize both material and labor costs for the OEM, a custom NUTEC offering can be provided.